Jenny: Hi, Phyllis. Why don't you introduce yourself and tell us a little about you.
Phyllis: I’ve been published for eight years. During those years, I’ve had 16 books published. My favorite genre is historical, but I also write contemporary, romantic suspense, romantic comedy, western, and paranormal. I’ve received many 5-star reviews – and some awesome “Recommended Reads”. I’ve been best selling author and author of the year with Champagne Books. On a personal note, I’m married, have two daughters and one stepdaughter, and three wonderful grandchildren.
Jenny: What inspired you to write your first romance?
Phyllis: I had just watched a great movie...well, it was great until the ending, anyway. The romance was perfect throughout the movie, but then in the end, the hero married the woman his father had arranged for him to marry. Made me mad! I went to sleep that night and had a dream. Before this point, I would dream a lot in ‘movie form’ and didn’t know why. So after this particular dream, I awoke thinking this would make a good book. (oh, I’d also been an avid romance reader at this point, too) Anyway, still being upset at the ending of that story, I wondered if I could write a “Happily Ever After”. So…I gave it a try. That’s all it took. My muse kicked and the stories didn’t stop. Haven’t stopped yet, thank heavens!
Jenny: What's currently on your iPod/mp3 player/cd player?
Phyllis: Nothing. lol But, when I do get the chance to listen to whatever I want, it’s usually soft rock – and music from the 80’s. heehee
Jenny: Describe a typical (or non-typical) writing day?
Phyllis: I work 10 hour days at my job, four days a week, so I don’t get much writing done during the weekdays. But Friday, Saturday, and Sunday… I’m at the computer. I try to get some housework done, but to me, writing is more important. It’s a good thing my daughters are grown and out of the house so there isn’t a lot to clean. But I’m at the computer typing away.
Jenny: What's the one question no one ever asks that you wish they would?
Phyllis: LOL I think I’ve been asked every question in the book.
Jenny: What's your favorite setting from one of your novels?
Phyllis: I LOVE writing historicals, mainly Regencies and Victorians. Love the Dukes. Love the Earls. Love the ROGUES! I love the beautiful gowns, and those tight trousers the men wear. heehee Love the carriages, and the Victorian homes… Yup, that’s my favorite.
Jenny: What do you think makes the idea heroine/hero?
Phyllis: To me the idea heroine and hero are those that have a great personality. They don’t take everything so dang serious. They know how to laugh and they know how to tease. The perfect hero has to be seductive, and the perfect heroine can’t resist his charms.
Jenny: What are you working on at the moment?
Phyllis: I’m working on a pirate story – my first! I’m so excited about it. Only into chapter four right now, but it’s promising to be a page-turner…and my characters are promising to steam up the pages. Story is called – Secret Seduction.
Jenny: Which comes first--the plot or the characters?
Phyllis: Oh, good question. Probably the plot. Then again, my pirate came first with this story, instead of the plot. Depends on the story.
Jenny: Any new releases coming up?
Phyllis: Oh yes! My Victorian, Love Comes Blindly will be released with Champagne Books July 1st. This is the last book in my Victorian Series. The other books in the series are: My Heart Belongs To You (out of print), My Knight, My Rogue, (also out of print), Always, My Love…and Vows Of Deception. In each of these stories, readers have read about the three brothers – Nicholas, Gregg, and Ian. Love Comes Blindly is Gregg’s story. Gregg and Madeline (heroine) also play a big part in Vows Of Deception, in case you want to read more about them.
Read on for a tantalizing excerpt from Phyllis's novel, Love Comes Blindly....
Gregg really didn’t want to call her Sister. He wanted to think of her as a real woman, not a nun. The tingles racing through his body reminded him how pleasurable a woman’s touch could be.
She moved to stand, but he grasped her hand and pulled her back down to the bench. “Mary, thank you for telling me. I feel I know you better now.” He rubbed her soft fingers.
“Maybe I shouldn’t have told you, but I feel like I know you better, too.”
He nodded.
“And Lord Gregg?”
“Please call me Sister Mary.”
He grinned. “I know you’re not a nun.”
“But it’s not proper to call me Mary. I would hate to explain this to the other nuns.”
“Indeed, so I will only call you Mary when we’re alone.” He shook his head and chuckled. “It’s hard to think of you this way. I feel we’ve become close friends.”
“We have.”
“I wish... I wish I could see. I want to see your face. I’ll bet you’re beautiful.”
Taking both of her hands in his, he pulled her closer. Soft, delicate fingers rested in his palms. He ran the pad of his thumb across each finger. Slim. He suspected her body would be this way, too. Slowly, he moved his touch to her wrist, which was also small. As he continued up her arms, she stiffened. He waited for her to stop him or pull away, but she did neither.
He paused again when he reached her shoulders. A slight quiver came from her. Cautiously, he moved his fingers over her collarbone to her neck. Smooth skin met his fingertips, as did a wild pulse. Her throat moved in what must have been a swallow, and he copied that movement with his own, trying to add moisture back into his suddenly dry mouth.
Had he been the first man to touch her like this since she studied to become a nun? The thought thrilled him and made him want to keep touching. Small gasps came from her, and he enjoyed hearing them.
He continued up her slim neck toward her face. Quick, hot breaths exhaled from her mouth and fanned his skin. Excitement gushed through him, and his own breathing became ragged. His manhood stood at attention as encouragement to do more. He’d never became this aroused by touching a woman, especially with her clothes on. And to think he didn’t know what she looked like. Yet for some reason, it didn’t matter.
She had a small chin, and when he reached her dry lips, they were parted. He couldn’t stop from sweeping his thumb across her bottom lip. He wanted so much to stroke her tongue, and he struggled to keep from pushing the tip of his thumb into her mouth.
Licking his own parched lips, he continued the exploration and moved his fingers over high cheeks before stroking closed eyelids. Long, thick lashes tickled his skin. When he touched her hair, she sighed, and he nearly joined his voice with hers. Soft, silky, and curly, a lock of hair brushed his fingers.
He imaged what she looked like, and Mary was very lovely.
He dropped his fingers to her mouth again. This time they were moist. She must have licked her lips. His arousal ached with need. How he wanted to kiss her.
“You’re a very beautiful woman, Mary,” he said huskily. “I imagine your eyes are an amazing color, also. Let me see if I can guess.” He paused for only a moment. “Green...no, they’re blue. No, they’re turquoise.” Her gasp made him smile.
“How did you know?”
“I’ll confess. My friend, Lord Calvin, told me.”
She took his hands from her face and pushed them away. “I need to get you back to your bed now. Afternoon prayer time will be starting soon, and then I will have to help prepare the mid-day meal.”
Her voice wasn’t sensual any longer. Instead, it was edged with panic. Had he disturbed her as much she disrupted his thoughts?
She moved around him and pushed his wheelchair. By her hurried steps, he knew that he’d upset her. His heart ached. That was the last thing he wanted to do.
“Sister Mary, please.”
He scowled. She really didn’t sound like a nun. She didn’t smell like a nun, and she didn’t gasp like one, either.
“What do you want, Lord Gregg?”
“I want you to call me Gregg.”
Her long pause made him hold his breath.
“If you wish,” she said.
“I do. I also want to tell you I’m sorry.”
The wheelchair slowed. “Thank you.”
“Do you know what I’m apologizing for?”
“Sister Mary? May I ask you another personal question?”
He chuckled. Her reply came too quickly. “Have you let other men touch you like that since...you came to live at the Abbey?”
She expelled her breath and it blew across his neck. He grinned. Yes, he disturbed her, to be sure.
“Lord...umm, I mean Gregg, I’ve made many mistakes in my past. I’m not immune to a man’s touch.”
“But you haven’t allowed a man to touch you since?”
“Is that why your heart was racing?”
“Yes. But, Gregg, you can never do that again. Do you understand? I...cannot have those feelings.”
Phyllis Campbell is an award-winning, multi-published, and best-selling author with Bookstrand Publishing, Champagne Books, The Wild Rose Press, and Carnal Passions. Most of her reviewers have given her the title of “Queen Of Sexual Tension”. Married with kids (and three grandchildren), Phyllis has lived in Utah all of her life and enjoys family activities when she’s not writing her next sensual story. Visit her website at www.phyllismariecampbell.com